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Thursday, November 28, 2013
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Give Thanks…..Thanksgiving time!

Today, I give thanks for the many blessings I have. In particular, I am running in the 41st annual Turkey Trot in Dubuque, IA. I love this run because you see so many families out running and enjoying each other. This year, I am reflecting on a conversation I had with my Dad before he passed away from cancer. During his cancer treatments, I was training for a big race. One night he asked me how long I was running in the morning. I grumbled a bit and said “10 miles”.

My Dad taught me a lifelong lesson in perspective. He grabbed my hand, looked me in the eye and with a serious look he said “I would kill to be able to do that”. Interesting, as I was worn out and not looking forward to it. That next day, I smiled, looked down and thanked God for my ability to run.
There are so many people on the planet that cannot run. They may have a disability, illness, poor health or a number of reasons. I feel bad that they cannot run. I turn this feeling into a positive and run for them. Since that day with my Dad, I have enjoyed every step and wonder what he would be thinking. Running is such a freedom. It’s not always easy, but so rewarding.

One of my running rewards is being able to run for JP. JP is a miracle. He struggles with a disorder that brings seizures. I pray for him and his family. I run every step in his honor. When I get tired, I envision him sending energy and muscles my way. It works. I love his spirit. Today is JP’s race. This is the first one I will run “officially” for JP. I will push myself a little extra. When I cross the finish line, I will smile and look toward the south to salute JP.

I was matched with JP and his mom through the Who I Run 4 organization. They are on Facebook and if you run, you can sign up herehttp://www.whoirun4.com/.  If you run, sign up….you won’t regret it. It will define your runs and give you a different purpose. Enjoy your runs, they are such a privilege. 
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
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Stay Positive!

It goes without saying that runners are the most positive people on the planet. I know this can be attributed to moving around, getting your endorphin's flowing and generally being healthy. As many of you know, I am one of the most positive people you could ever meet. There are a number of reasons for me being this way and I won’t bore you with that piece. I am here to talk about reminding yourself to “stay positive”.

Yes- even the most positive people need to remind themselves of this from time to time. As a matter of fact, this most often applies to the scenario where things aren't going your way or you have hit a rough patch.
This happened to me in the 2011 Chicago Marathon. I trained for 20 weeks with a goal to finish and finish without cramping. Guess what? I trained great and during the race….I started cramping at mile 14! WOW. This wasn't the plan and if you have ever suffered with cramps….getting them early in the race was not a treat.

Throughout my journey, I reminded myself to press forward with the goal of “finishing”. Stay positive and just finish. Don’t worry about time. Smile. Get through this.

The 2011 Chicago Marathon was a success for me in so many ways. Time wise, it was officially a disaster. I finished 45-50 minutes past the goal time and it hurt a lot. I was so proud of the finish though and didn't worry about the time. I learned that you can finish with pride, work through the direst circumstances, and have fun along the way.  The fun part was the finish! I have been asked many times….how did you do it. I did it with positive thinking and positive self-talk. The marathon is a metaphor for life. The most successful people have a positive outlook and they can “will” their own destinies. Smile- have fun!
Friday, November 22, 2013
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The rhythm of your run and CADENCE

 In business, we talk about the term cadence. This often refers to a leader’s pace, reaction and tenor for a certain situation. This element of cadence is extremely important throughout any measure of leadership.  A strong leader with a consistent cadence will maintain control.

Interestingly enough, the term of cadence is applied the same way for running. It’s not easy to address cadence on a treadmill, as the pace is dictated. However, your cadence throughout outdoor runs or races is critical to your success. Race conditions change and race conditions may present interesting challenges for you.

I believe this is why it is good to change up your runs, strategies and incorporate conditions that you may face during a race. In the summer, I try to run in the heat, rain, etc. I do this because you never know what it’s going to be like on race day. When I find a challenging condition during training, I work on practicing my cadence. It’s a fun way to get better!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
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One of my favorite authors (Jon Gordon) talked about five keys to his week, and I really liked the “Attack the day with enthusiasm”. As a runner, I think this is the most critical element of your training. If possible, it is great to use Monday and Tuesday as a “set the tone” day. 

This is where the enthusiasm comes in. Here is what I do during my runs:
  • I smile often. It provides me with a gigantic lift.
  • I visualize a race. I look for the fans and pump them up. My neighborhood must think I am crazy.
  • I say a quick prayer at the beginning of the run and at the end. It helps me give thanks for the gift of running. Also, I say the prayers for others that need it.
  • I use a playlist to generate momentum. I like heavy metal and fast songs….they drive me forward.
  • JP- I run for the most fantastic little person. I was matched through the “I RUN 4” organization.  JP has dravet syndrome and he is such a fighter. Throughout my time with you JP, it has been such a miracle. You make me a better person- thank you! Your mom is amazing too, she loves you so much and will always be there for you.

As you set the tone for your week, attack your runs with enthusiasm. Have you ever notices that the most successful people in life are the most enthusiastic? This is not a coincidence- smile, give thanks and make your run a special celebration for your day!

Sunday, November 17, 2013
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Rest Days & RunChat!

Today is Sunday and it has become best known for three things I really enjoy.....time with my family, rest days and RunChat. Resting is so important for both your physical self (legs and body) and your mind (family time). Hal Higdon (https://www.facebook.com/halhigdon?fref=ts) has stressed the importance of regular rest days.

If you are a runner and like to connect with other runners, then RunChat is for you! It's a great way to learn more about your love for running, connect with other runners, get discounts, and maybe you will win one of their contests. The drawings rock! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday....and maybe we will see you at RunChat!!!!!!

You can find them here:

Saturday, November 16, 2013
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Marathon: I miss you!

The marathon is a special journey. In 2013, I did not run a full marathon for the first time in three years. I miss it. I miss the crowds, the sense of accomplishment and (gulp) the training. Yes, I miss the training. I thought I would never say it, but being on a schedule is awesome. The full is difficult, but you learn so much about your physical self and your mental toughness. In 2014, I will be back.

I may run for a charity, so if you have an opinion on which one.....let me know. 
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