To my beloved wife, Teri, whose support for me and passion for our lives is so special. I owe any of my accomplishments to you buddy. I enjoy running, but it can be so difficult. When I needed shoes, headphones or a GPS watch, you said “get it” or you bought it for me, because I was a cheapskate. When I need a pick me up or a word of encouragement, you are ALWAYS there at the right time. I can still hear you say with such joy “are you going to get a run in buddy?”. For me to see your smile at the end of a race, it makes the journey well worth it. I can’t thank you enough, so THANK you!To my son Nile, my every day is so special because of you. I run to be healthier. I hope that my running will enable me to live longer to enjoy your presence in my life. We named you after Nile Kinnick, the legendary Hawkeye because of his work ethic, academic skills, decision making, integrity, and he was a war hero/Hawkeye. I hope that you enjoy life and apply yourself just like your namesake did! Your mother and I are so blessed to have you in our lives, we love you so much.
To the rest of my family, you guys rock. When I needed you the most, you have always been there. I could go on and on about the many things that you do, but I will just smile and say I love you.
To my fans. My dad and I used to laugh about “giving the fans what they want”. It was such a fun thing to go back and forth with him and imagine that we had fans and we were performing for them. In the end, he and I were each other’s biggest fans. Dad- I love you and will miss you! For my many fans that have donated to my American Cancer Society campaign year after year, this race is for you. As you already know, I dedicate every step, drop of sweat and every flick of pain to you and the battle we wage against this awful disease.
This year (2010), I am going to do something that absolutely scares me cold. I am going to run a full marathon. It is a conquest of sorts. I will now be able to put 26.2 on my running resume. I say this with great confidence, as my first official training session starts today. The date is November 2, 2009. I have read many things about the big race, and know that not everyone that starts this great journey finishes. I will train, I will run and I will finish. I have run three different half marathons and understand some of the things that will challenge me. My good friend, Bill Stenquist, gave me some advice that rings true. He said that “consistency is the key to running a marathon”, and I believe it. The half marathons taught me this lesson of consistency. However, I anticipate a greater level of difficulty with the big race. The greater the challenge, the greater the effort! I will train, I will run and I will finish.
Give the fans what they want. To my family, friends and supporters…..this one is for you!
Jim F. Connely