Give Thanks…..Thanksgiving time!
Today, I give thanks for the many blessings I have. In particular, I am running in the 41st annual Turkey Trot in Dubuque, IA. I love this run because you see so many families out running and enjoying each other. This year, I am reflecting on a conversation I had with my Dad before he passed away from cancer. During his cancer treatments, I was training for a big race. One night he asked me how long I was running in the morning. I grumbled a bit and said “10 miles”.
My Dad taught me a lifelong lesson in perspective. He grabbed my hand, looked me in the eye and with a serious look he said “I would kill to be able to do that”. Interesting, as I was worn out and not looking forward to it. That next day, I smiled, looked down and thanked God for my ability to run.
There are so many people on the planet that cannot run. They may have a disability, illness, poor health or a number of reasons. I feel bad that they cannot run. I turn this feeling into a positive and run for them. Since that day with my Dad, I have enjoyed every step and wonder what he would be thinking. Running is such a freedom. It’s not always easy, but so rewarding.
One of my running rewards is being able to run for JP. JP is a miracle. He struggles with a disorder that brings seizures. I pray for him and his family. I run every step in his honor. When I get tired, I envision him sending energy and muscles my way. It works. I love his spirit. Today is JP’s race. This is the first one I will run “officially” for JP. I will push myself a little extra. When I cross the finish line, I will smile and look toward the south to salute JP.
I was matched with JP and his mom through the Who I Run 4 organization. They are on Facebook and if you run, you can sign up herehttp://www.whoirun4.com/. If you run, sign up….you won’t regret it. It will define your runs and give you a different purpose. Enjoy your runs, they are such a privilege.