How you see yourself matters the most!
How you see yourself matters the most! It directs your thoughts and actions. The other day, someone asked me if I was a runner.I hesitated before answering. I said yes, I am a runner. I caught myself in the "not so confident moment". I have run and finished three full marathons, completed numerous races and have run for the past nine years. Why did I hesitate? I quickly reflected on the fact that so many people have said "you can't be a runner, runners are skinny" or "you are too big to be a runner".
Guess what? What they say doesn't matter. What I see, feel and say matters the most. I will never hesitate on the question ever again!
I have a small challenge for you. Take a picture of yourself with a big smile. Look at it, post it on your favorite social media piece with a tag that says something positive like "I am happy" or "thanks for being my friend" or "I love you". Whether people like it on the platform doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that you smiled big for the camera and posted something positive for the world to see. By the way, the camera loves you!