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Saturday, February 21, 2015
Competition at the top is different

Competition at the top is different

Today, I read something that really hit me. To run a marathon or compete at the top, it is so different. The most significant difference, is commitment. The best in the world, make the sacrifices. They are the ones who read, work and grind it out. The best do this when everyone else isn't. They are the ones that go the extra mile.

To complete a marathon takes sacrifice and commitment. The finish line demands so much from you.

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Saturday, February 14, 2015
Need to revisit my running motivation

Need to revisit my running motivation

This past week, I traveled for work. I did a relatively good job keeping up with my runs. I did notice my motivation "waning" toward the end of the week.

This week, I will dig a little deeper and will concentrate on my running motivation. I need to kick start my consistency for cross training too.

I have a lot to do, but I am excited! As good ole Snoopy says, I am going to keep looking up:)

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Saturday, February 7, 2015
A lesson for me this week

A lesson for me this week

This week I learned some valuable running lessons. Mid week, I was faced with a decision to run in the cold or skip a workout. I made the choice to run. I was sure glad I did. I took a picture of me, post run.

I am a big advocate for safe running and you should always evaluate whether it is too cold to run. Only you will know. On this day, I had four layers on and it was plenty.

The lesson I learned, be relentless and believe in yourself. I ran and had the echos of my Dad and others who have told me "run while you can". 

Running is such a freedom and I am sure glad to have it. Go outside, run or walk. Move around and if it is cold, bundle up!

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