Tips 5-14 for a solid marathon finish!
I am fortunate to finish five (5) full marathons, and I know of a few running friends toeing the marathon line for the first time in the next couple of weeks/months. This post is for you. As your race draws near, self doubt may visit you. You are entering the unknown, and that is normal. Here are some quick tips for you that I have used with great success.
14. Invite your "wall to the party". The wall will present itself around mile 18-22, it's a rugged adventure for sure. I like to paint my wall black and gold, to give it some class and break that @#$% down.
13. Embrace the unknown. Every single marathon I have run, something unexpected happens. You have trained yourself for this and just go with the flow. Make that unexpected crisis or surprise work for you.
12. Don't wish the miles away. OK- you may want to kill me for typing that, but hear me out. You signed up for this race. It's only 26.2 miles. Heck, my average finish time is around 5 hours and 35 minutes and that is a long time. I learned along the way that you should enjoy it, every single mile. Wishing it away is a bad move. Smile at every mile, enjoy it. Even when it gets difficult.
11. Find a mirror and say these words "Hello, I am Natalie White, I am a marathoner". Say it 10 times with conviction and confidence. See how you feel. Proud and confident. You haven't finished the race, so you might feel superstitious like I did. A great runner once told me that you have to do this, it's self affirmation. BTW: This is a shout out to Natalie, who is going to crush her race Saturday. Welcome to the 1%. :)
10. Read the signs along the race. You will notice some really fun, funny and creative signs. High five a few of the spectators, make any of the children who show up feel great, give the fans what they want. They came to see you run. Be loud and proud, FIRE them up!
9. Think about everyone who supported you along your journey. Thank them before you run and say their name during your run. It will make you smile. They will appreciate it too.
8. Know that you trained for this race and the actual marathon is just a simple celebration of your training. It is just one big party. You will likely become addicted to it. I am and don't deny it. :)
7. Your will will win. If you trained for 20-22 miles, then the last 4-6 miles will be the "land everyone wants, and few can earn". Claim your land, you will earn it.
6. To hell and back. Your race will challenge you mentally and physically. Once you take that first step, you will never be the same. You will learn so much about yourself, it's amazing.
5. Don't worry about pace or finish time. Keep it slower and don't panic. If you run a 10 minute mile through training, you are likely going to finish higher than that. Trust your training and just finish it. When someone asks your time post-race, look them in the eye and tell them you finished.
I will post the rest of the tips later this week.
14. Invite your "wall to the party". The wall will present itself around mile 18-22, it's a rugged adventure for sure. I like to paint my wall black and gold, to give it some class and break that @#$% down.
13. Embrace the unknown. Every single marathon I have run, something unexpected happens. You have trained yourself for this and just go with the flow. Make that unexpected crisis or surprise work for you.
12. Don't wish the miles away. OK- you may want to kill me for typing that, but hear me out. You signed up for this race. It's only 26.2 miles. Heck, my average finish time is around 5 hours and 35 minutes and that is a long time. I learned along the way that you should enjoy it, every single mile. Wishing it away is a bad move. Smile at every mile, enjoy it. Even when it gets difficult.
11. Find a mirror and say these words "Hello, I am Natalie White, I am a marathoner". Say it 10 times with conviction and confidence. See how you feel. Proud and confident. You haven't finished the race, so you might feel superstitious like I did. A great runner once told me that you have to do this, it's self affirmation. BTW: This is a shout out to Natalie, who is going to crush her race Saturday. Welcome to the 1%. :)
10. Read the signs along the race. You will notice some really fun, funny and creative signs. High five a few of the spectators, make any of the children who show up feel great, give the fans what they want. They came to see you run. Be loud and proud, FIRE them up!
9. Think about everyone who supported you along your journey. Thank them before you run and say their name during your run. It will make you smile. They will appreciate it too.
8. Know that you trained for this race and the actual marathon is just a simple celebration of your training. It is just one big party. You will likely become addicted to it. I am and don't deny it. :)
7. Your will will win. If you trained for 20-22 miles, then the last 4-6 miles will be the "land everyone wants, and few can earn". Claim your land, you will earn it.
6. To hell and back. Your race will challenge you mentally and physically. Once you take that first step, you will never be the same. You will learn so much about yourself, it's amazing.
5. Don't worry about pace or finish time. Keep it slower and don't panic. If you run a 10 minute mile through training, you are likely going to finish higher than that. Trust your training and just finish it. When someone asks your time post-race, look them in the eye and tell them you finished.
I will post the rest of the tips later this week.