Never Give Up!
Just before my father passed away from cancer, he said this
to me “Jimmy- one thing that I have always admired about you is the fact that
you NEVER give up.” He went on to talk about how I would always believe in
myself despite a dire circumstance. I could tell you many stories about why
this is important.
However, I will leave the talking to Babe Ruth. He said this
“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up”.
As a runner, I have endured many challenges. During the 2011
Chicago Marathon, I started having leg cramps at mile 14. I have never cramped
that early or that bad. To get through, I had to rely heavily on my
determination and self-talk. I remembered how proud my Dad was of my never give
up attitude. My time was off, but I finished. To this day, I have many great
finishes. This was my greatest though, as I faced something truly difficult and
never gave up. Dad- you were with me the whole time and thank you!
As you work on your running or business career, do you have
moments like this?
Never give up!
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