The ZERO Hour!
I was fortunate enough to hear a talk by the legend Dan
Gable. Dan Gable was an Olympic wrestler and a legendary Iowa Wrestling coach. He was giving a serious business talk and started to slip into “coaching”
mode. He started talking about preparing, training, and executing. Dan vividly
talked about the countdown to the ZERO hour. Every moment of intensity and emotion must lead to it.
He said it’s the moment where it is just you and your
opponent (he coached wrestling). The ZERO hour applies to business and
especially running. Every race I have run features a starting corral. The
corral is the place where you get ready to run. A countdown ensues and then you
start. When you start it all hinges on you. What a great feeling! The moment
when you can seize the day and make it yours- Your ZERO hour. Train for it, prepare for it and have fun!
Thanks Dan for a great talk, it has stuck with me for so
many years.
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