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Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Staying hydrated is the #1 aspect of running a successful race. It may sound silly, but I remember Hal Higdon talking about “practicing your drinking”. OK- I am Irish, so you can see where that might lead me down a wrong path.  Tee hee!

In any event, Hal did not mean Guinness like I had hoped. He meant practice drinking water or energy drinks during your training. I never thought about that before, but after running a number of long distance races…it makes a ton of sense. You have to practice to make sure you don’t take in too much, too little or too fast.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014
New Blog Design!

New Blog Design!

This week I will be featuring a newly designed blog and I hope that you enjoy it! I have some tweaking to do, but I am off to a good start. I want to dedicate this new design to one of my running heroes. His name is Caballo Blanco.

 If you don't know much about him, I suggest you read the book Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. It is a great read and you will thoroughly enjoy it!

Christopher's website is below: http://www.chrismcdougall.com/

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Saturday, April 26, 2014
Your mind will win!

Your mind will win!

This week I have been talking to a ton of people who asked me about finishing a marathon. I have been asked......what is the "secret"? During the race, you will have a ton of emotion and physical things going on. This is a given.

The most important aspect of finishing a marathon is your mind. A good friend of mine, Lynn Breithaupt once said "finishing a marathon is a state of mind". I have three full finishes and can attest for that. It's a battle of your mind for sure.

If you are curious about details, this video does a KILLER job talking about the "science" of running a marathon. It's pretty cool!

Friday, April 25, 2014
Marathon Season

Marathon Season

Just as we head into marathon training season, I have been talking to a bunch of friends who are running a full marathon this fall for the first time.

The training is going to be intense and the race will be just one big celebration. In the coming weeks, I will post some training perspective and race tips.

In the interim, I thought you all would love this video. It is the 8 stages of marathon running and its hilarious!

Thursday, April 24, 2014
Try Something New!

Try Something New!

Just the other day, my dearest friend Chris Loewenberg friend recommend a new app for running. Chris is awesome with technology and knows a ton about apps. Based on his recommendation, I tried it out for the past two days and really enjoyed it. The app motivated me, challenged me and I believe it will make me a better runner. I can see myself using their program for the Marine Corps Marathon!

I have found myself looking forward to tomorrow in such a different way. It's amazing what can happen when you get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Thank you Chris Loewenberg!

If you are curious, the app is Nike +. I know many of you already use it, so I am just joining the ranks:)

Here is a cool review of the app:

If you want to download the app, click this URL:

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014
The reason for a plan

The reason for a plan

In running a half or full marathon or any other race of significant distance, it is critical that you plan! Here are a few things to identify in your planning:

  • The race course- is it flat, hilly? Where are the hills? 
  • Water stations- Hydrating during your race is mission critical. A solid plan for the water stations will help you figure out how to keep hydrated. 
  • Aid stations/Porta potty's- Hopefully, you will only need the porta potty. However, it is good to know where the aid stations are, in the event you become injured and need help. 
  • Weather- I map out the weather two weeks before a big race. This determines how much gear and the variety of gear. 
  • Wind- It may not seem like it would matter much, but it does. Does your course encounter frequent wind? Accounting for the wind can help you monitor your pace. 
  • What time does the race start? What time will you get to the start corral? I would give yourself plenty of time. 
  • Contingency plans- Mentally get yourself prepared for the inevitable and figure out how you might deal with it. In my racing past, I have encountered the following surprises:
    • Rain
    • Snow
    • Extreme heat
    • Cramps
    • Injuries
    • Wind
    • iPod battery goes dead too early
    • I forgot to take my nutrition at the right time
In each case of contingency, I had to mentally dig deep and physically plan for an impacted race. It helped me focus on the finish!

As a finisher of three full marathons, I can say each race was unique and different. The experience helped me become a better planner and better runner! Your plan will dictate success!!!

This article/link does a great job of addressing tips for racing.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014
A Great Success Story

A Great Success Story

Yesterday, I was so proud of Meb. He won the Boston Marathon and did it with pure heart!!!! The announcers were talking about his age (he is too old), the others will make a move and beat him, it's been so long since an American won at Boston, etc. In 2010, he placed fifth at Boston and hobbled to the finish line with a torn quadricep muscle.

Meb is a tremendous runner. He doesn't get the credit others in the sport do. However, he won the Boston marathon and was a gracious winner. He even quoted John Wooden! You know I love that!

Although I am older, Meb and I could be twins! Here are the similarities between us:

  • We both run marathons and finish them.
  • We both have faith (see him making the sign of the cross multiple times toward the end of the marathon).
  • We both have excitement (see the fist pumps toward the finish). 
  • We both are thankful.
  • He quotes John Wooden.
  • We both work hard. 
  • We both are bald!
  • We both wear Skechers Go Run 2's!
  • We are both FAST! OK- Meb is fast and I think that I am:)
read this if you like Meb:


Monday, April 21, 2014
Boston Strong!

Boston Strong!

Today, I would like to remember the people impacted by the awful acts of terrorism around the world. Last year's Boston Marathon was just one example of how evil people can try and take the spirit away from others.

Marathon  running is one of my favorite sports! It is the ultimate test of will. I will be smiling today, as I look to the East. The marathon spirit is still so strong.

Good luck to all of the participants and spectators today!

Boston Strong!

Image Source:
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Rule #7

Rule #7

Rule #7 Remember those who sacrificed the most for you

This is one of the most important rules I live by. Whether it is your mom (thanks mom), dad, aunt, uncle, cousin, teacher (thanks to each of you who teach), all military personnel, a friend, a stranger, or Jesus himself, many people sacrificed it all for you to exist.

Remember them and smile. I have always been a big support of the POW/MIA and any other military personnel. When I run races, they are always on my prayer list.

Today, I remember all who have sacrificed the most. I say thank you.
Happy Easter!!!

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Saturday, April 19, 2014
Rule #6

Rule #6

Rule #6 Run the Hills of Life!

A couple of weeks ago, I read a cool article that I couldn't locate again @#$%! The article talked about looking at the top of the hill to run it better. The focus was mental and physical. Mentally, it tells you and the hill that you are not afraid of it. Physically, it allows you to see it and get air into your lungs better.

For me, the hill serves as a metaphor for life. I used to groan, grumble and avoid hills. As I have matured, I have learned to really enjoy them. I do like looking at the top of the hill and running it well.

In our lives, there will be many hills. Some will be small and others will look like mountains. Let's run them with appreciation, intensity and passion.

Running the hills of life is a privilege and we should enjoy it. Let's do that while we can!!! WOO HOO!

Image Source: http://breakingmuscle.com/running/hill-sprints-how-to-build-muscle-and-burn-fat
Friday, April 18, 2014
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Rule #4 Live, Learn and Grow

Rule #4 Live, Learn and Grow

This is a combination rule for me. I think you should live, which translates to taking chances, calculated risks and essentially doing what your heart tells you. You must do this without fear:)

Learning is one of my favorites. I think we should all try to learn something new every single day. Learning is a privilege and it's fun!

Grow...sometimes growing can be fun, scary, painful, long or difficult. Personally, I believe growth is essential for a full life.

Recently, I mapped out my goals and plans for the Marine Corps Marathon. For this, I have a stiff goal of growing through a training plan adaptation. This will challenge my diet, cross training and running fitness.

Personally, I believe it will result in a personal record. At first, I was a little scared about doing this new plan. However, I know that it will help me grow as a person and as a runner. Nothing like practicing what you preach...or BLOG:)

Have a great day...and....Live, Learn and Grow!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Rule #3 Be Thankful

Rule #3 Be Thankful

In my book, the most essential aspect of being successful and productive is to be thankful. When I first started working in sales, I remember a sales manager who was talking about a teammate who was in a precarious debt position. He said "be thankful that someone trusted you enough to loan you the money". The dialogue struck me so heavy. It was a different perspective.

Later in my life, I was telling my Dad about being sore. I was training for a big race and was having a tough time. My Dad said "Jimmy- be thankful that you are able to be sore. Some people can't walk, run or even have the luxury of being sore".

For many reasons, I have always been a thankful person. Just recently, I realized it's the biggest reason why I am so happy. Check the sign below- it says it well.

Be thankful for everything you have, then you will be happy! It's a great formula for racing, business and life.

Image Source: http://www.happyclippings.com/2011/11/be-thankful-be-happy.html

Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Rule #2 Stay Positive

Rule #2 Stay Positive

For me this rule is an absolute! Stay positive. During all of my training runs and races, I always maintain a positive attitude. This is important, as things don’t always go as planned and negative things can happen.

Your positive outlook will always see you through. Always.  Remind yourself and do what it takes to make sure you always stay positive. Smile while you are at it...You will enjoy the impact it will have on you!!!

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Monday, April 14, 2014
Rule #1: Attack the day with enthusiasm!

Rule #1: Attack the day with enthusiasm!

I like the word attack here, as it implies aggression and force. Enthusiasm for life should be a given. We all have our challenges, and each of us has been blessed with gifts. It comes back to how you see it.

When you have enthusiasm, it can be infectious. People will gravitate toward you, when you display your enthusiastic attitude.  Enthusiasm for your faith, work, hobbies (sports teams included), friends, and family translates into success and love. Can you name one extremely successful person who did it without being enthusiastic?

Chances are you can’t. If you love what you do for a living and see the value it can bring to others, then you have a recipe for being over the top enthusiastic! All you need is to bring it to your day, be excited about it and attack!

Here is what I am enthused about (chances are you could have guessed them all!):
  • My faith in God
  • My family
  • My friends
  • Education- my work!
  • Building things- my work!
  • Marketing/Branding- my work!
  • Calico Bean Market- woo hoo!
  • The Iowa Hawkeyes- #gohawks
  • Reading
  • Self improvement
  • Food- OK maybe too much:) 
  • Growing herbs for cooking
  • Grilling/Smoking
  • Running
  • Golf
  • People!
  • Music
  • Wine
  • Good cigars
  • Good craft beers

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Sunday, April 13, 2014


What a great weekend! I spent quality time with my family and I am looking forward to a fantastic week. I hope you enjoyed your weekend too!

This week I am going to blog every day. Each day will be dedicated to sharing an element of my personal philosophy for both running and business. 

I hope to share some perspective and approaches that are helpful for you and are easily to apply. I am excited to share more with you this week!

Photo source: 

Thursday, April 10, 2014
Enthusiasm Wins EVERY TIME!

Enthusiasm Wins EVERY TIME!

As you all know by now, I am a HUGE ultimate warrior fan! What he and I shared…ENTHUSIASM! I have read, reflected and have known this for a long time…Enthusiasm always wins!

Every time!

I know this why?

Did you ever wonder if the ultimate warrior was excited running into the arena?

No. You felt how excited he was and it transferred to everyone who attended or watched on TV.

It seems simple- get excited about your life’s work. It always translates to success. EVERY time!

Whether you are a mom, dad, run, run a business, work for a big company, work for a small company, ETC. it doesn't matter. The switch is always YOURS to turn on. Get excited about what you do!

This week I have been running and reflecting on my man…the ultimate warrior. I think he would be proud of my passion and energy this week. I am sorry to see him go.

This marathon (marine corp marathon) is dedicated to JP Rast, my Dad, my family and friends, the ultimate warrior and his family.

#Always Believe!

Image source: 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014
The Ultimate Warrior!

The Ultimate Warrior!

Today, I learned of the passing of the ultimate warrior (James Hellwig).  My heart goes out to his wife and daughters. I am a HUGE fan of his work, attitude and energy. I have thought about why I enjoyed him so much. I can say he was a significant influence in my life.

I will never forget the way he made me feel. I LOVED his intensity, energy and enthusiasm. When he entered a ring, you just knew he was going to leave it all there. Period! I liked his courageous spirit. The music he entered to really fired me up.

Today, I listened to it with a smile. I have been sad today, but realized he wouldn't want it that way at all. He would want me to channel my inner warrior and attack the day. Remember the good he did..and train with relentless fury.

My marathon training is going to change, as I am going to read more about the ultimate warrior and will use the words, videos and artwork for inspiration.

Plus, I love his advice.

Always believe!

The ultimate warrior may not be on the physical planet, but his spirit lives on! 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014
The Peanut Gallery

The Peanut Gallery

Five years ago, I was running down the road with a brand new hydration pack. An older gentleman who was in his seventies asked me this:

Older guy: Hey buddy, how much are you carrying?
Jim: This hydration pack carries a gallon of liquid.
Older guy: No, I mean how much weight are you carrying?

I won’t tell you my answer, but this exchange set off a month and a half of older people giving me a hard time about my weight and running.  For a brief period (about two weeks), it started to really impact my confidence. Some of the comments were just flat out mean.

I know they probably didn’t intend for it to be that way. I turned the corner one day, and practiced my response with confidence.  I had to remind myself that running makes me feel good and no one should ever take that away.

It taught me that only you can impact your self-confidence. People are always going to say and do what they want. You are the only person in control of your thoughts and actions. This weekend, I ran into a good friend who is working on losing weight. She is such an inspiration and has a TREMENDOUS attitude! She leads through action and you should hear her talk with confidence. It is amazing!

Saturday, April 5, 2014
1st Race of 2014

1st Race of 2014

Oh boy! I ran a 5K today and it was officially my first race of 2014. The course was very hilly and a big challenge. I ran today for JP Rast, my little buddy I was paired with in the IR4 organization. JP, you are such an inspiration to me. I am thankful to run for you. My friends at McGraw Hill ran with me and we raised money. Thanks to Kim David and "The Gym" for sponsoring our running shirts.

The first race was a success, but it taught me that I have a ways to go. My legs/knees are a bit sore and I can see some tweaks I need to make to my training. I am so looking forward to 2014 and racing. It's going to be a magical year!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Every year, I pick a word to establish a platform for my business and running. This year I selected confidence. Confidence is your choice. Confident people are always successful. Their attitude helps their performance. 

I love this image (below). So many days I can relate to the crab and the saying in the picture. It works for me. How do you establish your confidence?

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