Rule #4 Live, Learn and Grow
This is a combination rule for me. I think you should live, which translates to taking chances, calculated risks and essentially doing what your heart tells you. You must do this without fear:)Learning is one of my favorites. I think we should all try to learn something new every single day. Learning is a privilege and it's fun!
Grow...sometimes growing can be fun, scary, painful, long or difficult. Personally, I believe growth is essential for a full life.
Recently, I mapped out my goals and plans for the Marine Corps Marathon. For this, I have a stiff goal of growing through a training plan adaptation. This will challenge my diet, cross training and running fitness.
Personally, I believe it will result in a personal record. At first, I was a little scared about doing this new plan. However, I know that it will help me grow as a person and as a runner. Nothing like practicing what you preach...or BLOG:)
Have a great day...and....Live, Learn and Grow!
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