T Minus 5 days and counting...
I am so excited and I am READY! It's taken me a few days longer to get around the corner mentally, but I am finally in a great spot. Today, I completed my last big run before race day. It went well and helped me get in the zone. A flood of emotions are hitting me with race day coming so fast. It's a special race because of my Dad and late Uncle Sonny. They will both be there in spirit. My Dad was a marine and my Uncle Sonny was the most talented Huey helicopter pilot in Vietnam. They are both talking to everyone in heaven about our family event.Uncle Sonny's son (my cousin) Clarence Dunagan is running this race too. I love my cousin dearly and it's going to be fun to see him rock this race to oblivion. His Dad will be so proud. I leave you with two cool things: a picture and a video from one of my favorite bands (RUSH). The video is about "launching" the space shuttle. SO COOL! I love the real audio from NASA. ENJOY!
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