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Saturday, January 31, 2015
Born to run!

Born to run!

I can safely say that Born to Run is the BEST book I have ever read. I just loved it so much. I have so many reasons. I don't want to ruin the book for you, if you have not read it. The author is a great guy and he gave the running community a wonderful gift.

I really enjoy Matthew McConaughey. I tease my wife about him, but I do love him:) He is going to be perfect in this movie. He needs to play Caballo Blanco! Matthew is the ONLY person I could see playing that awesome character.

I saw the news that a movie was going to be made and I was so excited about it. I couldn't contain myself....YIKES!

How soon can the movie be released? EXCITED! 

In researching, I read that Matthew McConaughey runs an hour a day and has a spiritual side. This article has a different slant, enjoy it.

Check out this article:

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Monday, January 26, 2015


I am going to enjoy today and anticipate the future journey. I am excited about the year ahead. The journey ahead will have many hills, turns and bumps. Running is a sport where you compete against yourself.

It's one of the many reasons why I love it. You have to beat the best, you.

This picture says it all for me right now. :)

Image source:
Saturday, January 24, 2015
The journey will begin soon....

The journey will begin soon....

The journey will begin soon....I have been thinking a lot lately. I will run another full marathon in 2015. It's going to be a matter of where. I am so excited. 

My confidence stems from:
  • I have one more year of experience
  • I have one more year filled with cross training
  • I have one more year to eat better
  • I am more determined
  • You will help me
  • My family and friends are my rock
  • I like competing
  • Goals will be realized 
  • I run for JP!
  • A charity needs me...could it be Diabetes in Action, Livestrong, American Cancer Society, or others....
If you have a charity choice or like the ones above, let me know what charity you would select. :)

Image source:

Saturday, January 17, 2015


I just read some cool stuff from Brian Tracy. He is one of the most down to earth self help content providers. Early in my career, I used to read a ton of Brian's work and even saw him talk a number of times. He rocks, I enjoy his message. The piece I read was about how the following four things must be in alignment for you to be successful:
  1. Thoughts
  2. Feelings
  3. Emotions
  4. Goals

So I read this and thought about how I get out of alignment with 1,2 and 3. It's amazing how a shift in your thoughts, feelings and emotions can impact your ability to reach or crush your goals. Needless to say, I am will continue to focus managing on my thoughts, feelings and emotions. I will be getting my ducks in a row:) My son loves this picture from clip art.

How about you? Are all four of these aspects important for you? Are they in alignment?

Sunday, January 4, 2015
Focused 2015

Focused 2015

Oh yeah! It's January and time to focus and refocus. I am going to get to work on some different approaches. 2014 was a year of experiments for me. I took the results and analyzed them. Here's a preview of my new plan.

1. Earlier and consistent speed work.
2. Refine my hydration plan for racing (tweaks).
3. Cross train!
4. Modify my pacing earlier in the year.
5. Mix up the routes.
6. Refine my racing weight.

I am excited beyond words. I will have fun. What goals do you have for running or fitness?

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