Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Joy of the Journey!

The CRANDIC race was amazing. It was hilly, difficult and I learned a TON! Here's a summary:
I learned how to finish in difficulty circumstances. 
I learned how to race with different gear. It was the first time I have ever "raced" with my Brooks coat. It worked, but I learned about some details for next race. 
I learned how to help others out, including myself. 
I fueled well, but hydrated poorly. This manifested in the form of cramps. UGH. 
I raced for my little buddy JP, Curt Ehlinger, the orange army, the military serving, the military who served, my family and my friends. 
During training, I had some nagging issues. I figured out how to heal during training. Not an easy task. About three weeks before the race, I thought about withdrawing. It took some creativity to stick with it. 
I read "Can't Hurt Me" while in training. It helped me on race day. 
I thought about @jockowillink and how to focus on the mission. I played a few of his videos to remind myself of the sacrifice. 
On race day, I shined brightly. I met some new friends. Nicole and Lisa. They are finishers too! 
Next week, I will share my modifications for the next race. Perhaps, I will announce where and when for marathon #8. 

Thank you all for the amazing support. Especially my wife and son. They put up with the craziness of training and race day. 


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