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Wednesday, December 31, 2014
2014 was a great year!

2014 was a great year!

This past year was a great one! I learned a ton about myself and how I can grow in 2015. In running, I really worked harder than ever. I ran a ton of miles and took some chances in a big race. The race didn't yield a PR, but it was a great finish.

During the marine corps marathon, I watched my son run in a kids 1 mile race. I learned so much from him. He dug deep, finished and had fun. He gave me advice the evening before my marathon. He said "Dad...just keep running and cross the finish line. Everybody gets a medal, when they finish".


This year, I learned how to cross train and lost some weight. The journey was difficult and rewarding. I am looking forward to continuing my cross training. It's amazing what your body can do, when pushed.

In 2015, I will have some different and similar running goals. In the next week, I can't wait to share them with you. For reading my blog, I want to thank you. You mean the world to me and it's been fun to share my thoughts about the journey.

I hope you have a great night and an even better 2015!!!!

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014
My running moment of the year

My running moment of the year

My running moment of the year was my son Nile, starting and finishing his big race at the Marine Corps Marathon. He ran with his running buddy, displayed a ton of courage, he smiled a ton and showed me how to finish. He never left his running buddy behind. He ran back to get him a couple of times. It was awesome!

Without a doubt, it was my running moment of the year!

I can't wait to see him run more! See this picture of him looking at his medal:) WOO HOO!

Sunday, December 21, 2014
A moment of thanks

A moment of thanks

Today, my family attended a wonderful event at Hills and Dales. If you are not familiar, Hills & Dales, a not-for-profit human services organization. They provide services to children and young adults with severe and profound mental and physical disabilities throughout Eastern Iowa.  

I would like to personally thank my wife Teri Connely, Vicki Leonard and all of the folks who work in law enforcement, public safety and the fire department. Law enforcement, public safety and the fire department protect and serve us. You are a group of people who deserve so much and sometimes get so little. Today, I watched you at your best- thank you. 

Teri and Vicki run the local chili cook-off every year in Dubuque. It's hard work and it takes a lot out of you. On a day like today, it means so much. People may not know what you do or how you do it. As you watch the children and families smile, know that you gave them something amazing. The chili cook-off has raised so much money to help organizations like the Maria House and recently Hills and Dales. 

The money raised is significant. It has translated into buying a van for transportation and a new playground. We can't thank you enough. 

To the families and children at Hills & Dales, thank you for opening your hearts to show us what true love really is. I admire what you do and how you do it. 

To the staff at Hills and Dales, you amaze us. I love watching you work. It's not work because you love it and it shows. I wish that I could repay you for the awesomeness you display. Maybe someday I can better:) 

This Christmas season there is so much to be thankful for. Check out the pictures from today (at the bottom I have four tips for getting into the spirit):
The awesome Joe Berger and the rest of Santa's bagpipers!
 This little guy was SOOOO excited to see Mr. and Mrs. Claus! 
 He had to tell everyone about how awesome it was to see them! 
 The BEST escort! 
Christmas at Hills and Dales is AMAZING! The LOVE is pure! Thanks Vicki and Teri!

Here are four ways you can get in spirit: 

1. If you run, 

  • Try connecting with Who I run for (https://www.facebook.com/groups/irunformichael)
  • Download charity miles on iTunes or Android. It's a great way to raise money by running. There are fantastic charities featured there like the Wounded Warrior Project (@wwpinc), Michael J Fox Foundation (@MichaelJFoxOrg), Special Olympics (@SpecialOlympics), Autism Speaks (@austismspeaks), (@TeamRWB), etc.  
2. Donate some presents to Toys for Tots, adopt a family at a local church, etc. 
3. Write a Christmas card to a lonely person at a elderly center or even a friend you haven't connected with in awhile. It's amazing how a small thing like this can be HUGE. 
4. Gather yourself, friends or little ones and go out Christmas caroling. Spread the cheer the old fashioned way. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014
A quick tip that may help

A quick tip that may help

This week I was talking to a friend who coaches strength training and runners. She asked me how much water I drank on a daily basis. She was good with that. Then she asked me how much I drink on my runs. I told her that I drink consistently during training runs that are longer.

She asked me how much I run on a daily basis. The answer 4 miles. She said I should drink water or a sports drink every 15 minutes, if you are running over 30 minutes at a time.

I can honestly say I haven't considered it. She stated a solid case for doing so. Perhaps this will be a big change for me in 2015. Also, it may help my hydration issues in the big race.

It gets me thinking of which marathon I should run next year. hmmmmmm

Yes! I am going to run a full marathon again in 2015. I just have to break my time goal. :)

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Sunday, December 14, 2014


Aha! I love doing that...Smile at someone who is frowning or having a tough day. If they muster a reluctant smile (likely), then tell them you love their smile and it will get bigger.

You will give them your smile in the process.

Try it, it's fun.

Oh yeah, it's great to smile while you are running too. :)

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Saturday, December 13, 2014
So much to be thankful for!

So much to be thankful for!

It's the Christmas season and I have so much to be thankful for! Health, family, career, friends, blogging friends/followers, running and faith. WOW!

I can remember six to seven years ago, I would run and pray. Each day I would ask for a child, and he gave it to us. I am so thankful for my son. He shows me how to love every day!

Enjoy this pic:)

Image source:
Monday, December 8, 2014
I LOVE Mondays!

I LOVE Mondays!

I LOVE Mondays! Today, I didn't run and that was not fun. However, I did complete some cross training:)

I enjoy Mondays because I am grateful for every day. It's surprising to me how many people roam around grumbling that it is "Monday". I always respond with "be glad you have a Monday".

Enjoy every day, that's what I believe.


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Monday, December 1, 2014
Be true

Be true

In the past couple of weeks, I have talked to some friends about their running, records and times. One aspect that resonated with me is how people feel pressure to be "fast". I must admit, I have fallen into that trap before. It can be relatively healthy, if you can manage it.

On the flip side, it can dominate your thoughts. It can make you feel bad too, if you can't keep improve. In the end, I believe you should be true to yourself. It can make running fun.

Be original, stay true to yourself. :)

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Saturday, November 29, 2014
Winter running tips

Winter running tips

In the winter, I like to continue running outside. Over the years, I have modified my approach to running outside. Here are a few tips:

1. Make sure you have layers. If the temperature gets below 30 degrees, it's important you stay warm. The layers will help you a ton.
2. Protect your hands, face and head. Gloves/mittens, a hat and face mask can help protect you. You may worry that the face mask will get in the way of your oxygen intake.   It may a little, but it's worth it in the long run (no pun intended). 
3. YAKTRAX or something to get a grip. Ice can hide this time of year and it can really hurt or set you back. I highly recommend that you wear something like YAKTRAX. 
4. If it is too cold and feels dangerous, stay inside. OK- I have a tough time with this. However, you can skip a workout, hit the treadmill or get creative. I read the other day that successful people don't die in the fight, meaning they know when to exit. This applies to running in dangerous cold. You will know when it's too dangerous.
5. Stay hydrated. Layering your clothing can be deceptive in assessing your sweat level. You will lose more water than you think, stay hydrated! 
6. Have fun and stay focused. You have worked hard to keep your mileage up all year, don't let the elements or the holidays get in the way of your progress. 

Over the past couple of weeks, I have struggled with my motivation and dreamed up some "excuses". However, my partner in crime reminded me by telling me that I am becoming "Mr. Excuse". Thanks for keeping me motivated Teri:) 

It got me out the door all week. 

Image source: 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving- I am thankful for you!

Happy Thanksgiving- I am thankful for you!

Happy Thanksgiving- I am thankful for you! This year has been a magical year for running and beyond. I am inspired by each and every one of you. I want you, your families and the loved ones around you to have a great day.

If you are running a turkey trot, crush it. Have fun. Work hard, so you can.....

EAT more later:)

Image source:
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
It's always about effort!

It's always about effort!

It's always about effort! Whether it is sports, hobbies or business, your success is directly related to the amount of effort you put in. Have you ever met a successful person who is "casual" about their success or interest? The most successful people are difficult to stop because they have incredible effort. The most successful leaders read about their profession or craft, attend training for their craft, and try to get better with relentless effort- every day.  They lead by example and bring others along.

I have read many times that Michael Jordan practiced for 3 hours a day. He would practice shots from just about every angle, free throws, weight lifting and all of the other fundamentals. Because of his effort, he succeeded. You may be saying to yourself, “Well he had so much talent”. This is true, but talent only gets you so far. Plenty of other basketball players had more talent than Michael Jordan. They did not work like he did. Ask yourself, what kind of effort do I bring every day? How much do I read about my craft or profession? It’s not too late to ratchet up your effort levelJ

Check out this article on 20 lessons from Michael Jordan.  


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Sunday, November 23, 2014
Thanksgiving week, be thankful and run!

Thanksgiving week, be thankful and run!

Well, it's thanksgiving week and I am so excited. I am thankful for each of you who read my blog. You guys rock! This week, be thankful for your blessings. If you can get out and run a bit, that would be great too. Turkey day is coming and you will feel better eating another slice of pumpkin pie or helping of turkey, if you get a few runs in.

The weather might be dicey this week, but I am so excited to RUN!


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Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Stay Motivated this Winter!

Stay Motivated this Winter!

WOW! The past days will test your spirit. I ran in 6 degrees yesterday and 3 degrees today. Today was challenging because it was cold and windy.

I have found that it's a pretty big thrill to run in the cold like this. However, it is a bit challenging to get out of the door. One thing that holds true for runs this time of year...the funny after pictures.

In this one, I am smiling. You can tell...among the ice:)


Saturday, November 15, 2014
A good week of training

A good week of training

It's been a good week of training for me. The weather has been pretty cold, but I have been logging the miles and feel good. I am not training for a specific race yet. 

In addition to running, I have been keeping up with cross training. As the Fall wears on and the Winter settles in, I am going to remain focused. 

I can't wait to sign up for my next big race! 

This picture is from a trip I took in North Carolina, more on that later!

Thursday, November 13, 2014
Hey Dad, I miss you every day.

Hey Dad, I miss you every day.

Five years ago today, my Dad passed away. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him or miss him like crazy. I am glad he was able to see his grandson in person. I wish he could see him now or we could talk about him. I know he does and that helps me.

I wish that I could play one more round of golf, shoot the breeze, talk Hawkeye football, laugh together, ask his advice, smile and enjoy being with my Dad. I would give anything.

It goes without saying, but today reach out to a family member you haven't talked to in awhile. Enjoy them while you have that moment, it's so important. Tell them you love them.

I would like to share with you a couple of fun things. First, you will see a picture of Shonn Greene and a run he had against Wisconsin in 2008. It was my Dad's favorite run and he enjoyed Shonn Greene. He liked Shonn Greene because he made mistakes, worked hard to make a come back, never quit, competed and was a true Hawkeye. This run was a classic example of him being successful, against a good team.

Last, my Dad loved the song "Heavy Fuel" by the Dire Straits. He played it a lot. I enjoy it more than ever. I would suspect he would really enjoy the live version. Give it a listen and I hope it makes you smile. I miss you Dad- every single day. 

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Thank you all veterans!

Thank you all veterans!

Thanks to all of the veterans and their families. We owe you so much. My Dad was a marine and I have so many family members that are serving and have served. The courage, sacrifice and valor you display is amazing. You are all true heroes. Thank you for being such a tremendous example.

Image Source:

Monday, November 10, 2014
Getting back into a good rhythm!

Getting back into a good rhythm!

I have always felt like Mondays are a true "set the tone" day of the week. Today was truly it. I ran a quick five mile run today, worked out at lunch and ate better today. It's a rhythm that I was used to during my marathon training. I am excited to keep it going. I don't have a big race to train for, but am researching options. Stay tuned. For now...keep a good rhythm.

What band does this drummer play for?
For extra bonus points, what is his nickname?

Image Source:
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
I am back!

I am back!

It's been a difficult week, as I had a toe injury that prevented me from running. Here's the good news. Tomorrow, I am back. The toe feels so much better today. It's been a long week without my pal running. I missed you. Let's get back together tomorrow. WOO HOO!

Image Source:
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Marine Corps Marathon, recap and thank you!

Marine Corps Marathon, recap and thank you!

First, I want to thank my family and friends for always being so supportive during my running endeavors. It's not easy on you sometimes and I really appreciate what you do and how you do it. For the readers of this blog, thanks for reading and I hope to keep you engaged.

Let's get to the recap. I raised just short of $1,700 for the Diabetes in Action team. Thanks to each of you who donated your hard earned money to this cause. It will really help!

Next, thanks to each of you who gave me a song to run to. I will elaborate more on what I did during the race later this week.

The race was fantastic for a number of reasons. I loved being with my family. We laughed and learned together. Washington DC is beautiful and there is so much history. The holocaust museum taught us so much about how to love and forgive. My son was moved by the "Daniel" exhibit.

My race was a bit challenging. I struggled with cramps at mile 14 and it slowed me down a bit more than I would like. However, I learned so much about how to prepare for a race, cross training and just to "stay in" a race for the duration.

If I am privileged to run it again, I will run it differently. One aspect I underestimated was the beginning "hills". WOW. They were a bit challenging. Looking back, I went too hard early. The weather had an impact and I could have hydrated a bit better.

The marines were simply amazing. The crowds were so supportive. I loved running to the Iwo Jima memorial.

All of this was great, but from miles 11-14 I was struck by something amazing. On the sides of the road, military killed in action were pictured. The "Wear Blue: Run to Remember" organization held US Flags along the road. This is a section of the run where crowds are thin. The impact this made on me was HUGE. WOW- WOW. I had tears in my eyes.

Lastly, my favorite moments involved my son running the kids race. He made me so proud showing his leadership and courage. He earned his first medal. It's amazing to see him grow. I love him so much.

Thursday, October 23, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Cool Advice Part 1

Cool Advice Part 1

Trust in the training, trust in the nutrition, trust in your foundation, trust in the Spirit. God speed, Jim. - Tom Weitz
This is from Tom Weitz, who is someone that I think is amazing. Tom is a great friend. He is an amazing person, a killer endurance athlete and a wonderful professional. Consider this advice taken! WOO HOO and OORAH!

Image Source: Marine Corps Marathon Facebook Page
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
T Minus 5 days and counting...

T Minus 5 days and counting...

I am so excited and I am READY! It's taken me a few days longer to get around the corner mentally, but I am finally in a great spot. Today, I completed my last big run before race day. It went well and helped me get in the zone. A flood of emotions are hitting me with race day coming so fast. It's a special race because of my Dad and late Uncle Sonny. They will both be there in spirit. My Dad was a marine and my Uncle Sonny was the most talented Huey helicopter pilot in Vietnam. They are both talking to everyone in heaven about our family event.

Uncle Sonny's son (my cousin) Clarence Dunagan is running this race too. I love my cousin dearly and it's going to be fun to see him rock this race to oblivion. His Dad will be so proud. I leave you with two cool things: a picture and a video from one of my favorite bands (RUSH). The video is about "launching" the space shuttle. SO COOL! I love the real audio from NASA. ENJOY!


Thursday, October 16, 2014
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Chicago Marathon- Get ready

Chicago Marathon- Get ready

Yes! Congratulations for all of my friends who have trained for the Chicago marathon. Remember this, you are trained and ready to go. All you have to do is run the race, celebrate the crowds, endure the high and low parts of the race and earn the finish line.

For you first time marathon runners, each of you will feel amazing at the end of the race. I read an article from a runner who said we can be at our "worst" sometimes at the finish line. Let me clarify what is meant by that. You will likely be greeted by your friends and family. They will be so excited for you and your finish. Remember to thank them, give them a hug, high five, kiss, etc. You ran the race, but they are the reason you were successful in the journey.

Just to pump you guys up, check this picture.

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Monday, October 6, 2014
Take me to....

Take me to....

Won't you take me to, taper town! Holy smokes, I never thought it would get here. I am talking about the taper. I love taper time and dislike it. It's a weird feeling to dislike not running as much. I will still be running heavy though. My Nike Plus program still has some big runs left in it. 16 at the end of this week, which is not a slam dunk:)

I have a number of friends who are entering race week for the Chicago Marathon. I wish all of you a fun race week. You are getting ready for the biggest test and party of your running life. I love Chicago, but more on that later. Perhaps I should dedicate all week to writing about Chicago in your honor? What do you think?


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Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Playlists- YAHOOO!

Playlists- YAHOOO!

As many of you know, I like to listen to music while running. This marathon season, I have used Spotify extensively. It allows me to make lists on the fly. This is good and bad. Good for the short term, but now I need to start narrowing it down. YIKES!

One other big thing, I ask my friends and family to specify a song or two for me to "dedicate" to them during the race. I use the songs from mile 18 through the end. No matter what the song is, I love it and it powers me through.

Heads up to think about a song or two. If you want to specify the song on Facebook, Twitter or the blogger, that would be cool...or you can direct message me too.

If you are reading this, I would be honored to run to your song. :)

Can you believe we are almost there?


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Tuesday, September 30, 2014
We are getting close!

We are getting close!

OK. How about this? #OORAH

This means we are getting about 25 days away from the Marine Corps Marathon. I have one long run of 22 miles left, and I can't wait. It's the ultimate measuring stick. After this week, it's taper time. I will be logging in 50 miles or so this week. This means sleep, fuel and running! WOO HOO or should I say OORAH!

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Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Trait #6 Be open

Trait #6 Be open

As a marathon runner, runner or business professional it makes sense to be open. I will take a different approach here. Yes you should listen and be open to feedback. I believe that most people do this very well. What is different is listening to yourself and your own body. I love the fact that the author of this article mentions dialogue about creating your own success.

It's a charming view about being positive. When you listen, devote yourself to the mission and believe, you will create your own success-every time!

Image source:

The full article can be found here:
Click here for the full article

Tuesday, September 23, 2014
8 Mile!

8 Mile!

OK. I haven't finished the 7 traits, but felt like a quick diversion. Today, I ran an 8 mile training run. I was so excited to run it and the experience was purely awesome!

You may be asking yourself, did he really say that? Yes. I sure did. Let me give you some background as to why. First, I have grown to really love the 8 mile distance. It is long enough to really test you physically and it a really neat experience mentally.

Yesterday, I was telling a friend about my excitement for running the 8 miles and she said "you are really crazy". I tried explaining the "why" behind the excitement and failed to do so accurately. Today, I ran to U2's new album called "Songs of Innocence". A couple of my favorite tracks on the album include "The Miracle", "Every Breaking Wave", "Iris" and "California". The album is free on iTunes for iCloud customers. I applaud Apple and U2 for taking such a daring move. The boys from Ireland really sound great!

I really enjoyed the album and it really helped me through the 8 miler. You should download the album, if you haven't already.

You can download it here:

Here is why I love the album: Songs of Innocence has its roots in the band’s early and lifelong influences, including the Ramones, Bob Dylan, and The Clash, as well as their formative years in Dublin and their transformative pilgrimage to California. It’s a collection of songwriting and music made possible only by shared time and life experiences.

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Sunday, September 21, 2014
Trait #5 Vision

Trait #5 Vision

This trait is awesome. It relates to having a strong "vision" for the finish. This is extremely helpful, when the chips are down or you are at a low point. It's critically important that you have something you can visualize to keep you in the race.

As an example, I visualize the finish line for the marine corps marathon. I visualize this on nearly every run. This one is easier because it is written about extensively. I can see the marines and it motivates me beyond words.

Here is an interesting point. I have visualized the finish in my past three full marathon finishes. Each time, the finish was so different. It's just a great surprise every time!

Image Source:

The full article can be found here:
Click here for the full article

Friday, September 19, 2014
Trait #4 Preparation

Trait #4 Preparation

Trait #4 is preparation! This one is a favorite of mine. When you run a marathon, things happen. Successful marathon finishers can anticipate the combinations of things that can happen and they adjust.

Some of the most common issues that can come up are as follows:

  • Running too fast out of the gate
  • Falling behind
  • Missing fuel
  • Cramps
  • Mild injuries (i.e. blisters)

During my second marathon, I had severe cramping issues. I fell behind the pace I wanted to achieve. In the end, I was able to finish. It was my worst time, but best finish. Like the article states, I had to adjust my plan and execution.

Image source:

The full article can be found here:
Click here for the full article

Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Trait #3 Strength

Trait #3 Strength

This is a great trait, strength. The article describes the elements as being tough and flexible. In the marathon, there will always be some sort of a curve ball or significant challenge. For me, I have run three different full marathons and I have encountered the following:

  • Mild muscle cramps (my first marathon)
  • Severe muscle cramps (my second marathon)
  • Forgetting to take the right amount of fuel (my second marathon)

Notice the trend, I didn't write about the third marathon. I changed my plan on the third and it worked. Strength is inherent in the marathon. In my first two marathons, I had to revise my plans, remain flexible and I had to BELIEVE. 

Being strong will help you in anything you do, but especially the full marathon.

Image source: 

The full article can be found here:
Click here for the full article
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
#2 Focus

#2 Focus

Today, I will briefly discuss the element of focus and distance running. A number of things can happen to you while running or preparing for a big race. During training, the miles rack up. You have a schedule and you just go. This is good, but you may have to start approaching your runs with more "focus". To be specific, what is your goal of the run. How will you execute to meet your goal.

This is important. This year, I have been really trying harder to focus during training. About 1/4 of the way through my program, I notice myself just "running". I reminded myself to focus on a specific goal.

Why do this? Well, during a big race you will have distractions or unexpected things that happen. Your focus will guide you to your goal. At the end of a full marathon, it's a super challenge. The last six miles are the most difficult stretches of land. I say, it's the piece of land that everyone wants...but to earn them is different. You have to earn the line and focus will get you there!

Tomorrow, I will talk about strength.

Image source:

The full article can be found here:
Click here for the full article
Monday, September 15, 2014
Trait #1- Resilience

Trait #1- Resilience

Competitor magazine has an article discussing their 7 habits of mentally tough runners. This week I will put my spin on the 7 traits. Trait #1 is resilience. This year, I had a difficult race. The race itself was awesome, but it took a ton out of me. I struggled to reconcile the physical part of running again and my confidence was a little shaky. Interestingly enough, I had a 16 mile run the week after the difficult race. I ran the 16 extremely well. However, I had to resolve myself to putting the bad race behind me. It worked!!! Resilience is key. Tomorrow, I will talk about focus:)

Image source:

The full article can be found here:
Click here for the full article

Sunday, September 14, 2014
Reflections from the week!

Reflections from the week!

This week was a tough training week, as it was full of longer runs for me. I really enjoyed it. Yesterday, the week was capped off by a 19.5 mile run. During this run, I was emotional. It was because I thought of the Marine Corps Marathon and all of the support I have received from friends, family, donors (Diabetes in Action), and fellow runners.

The result of the 19.5 mile run was this: I feel so amazingly confident about this full marathon. It's going to be my best effort ever. I call it my first "away" game. I still have some time to go and will need to finish the rest of my longer runs. Yesterday was a big step forward.

My cousin Clarence is running the MCM too, and I know he is going to ROCK! He is a great father, husband, cousin, doctor, and served in the U.S. Airforce. It's going to be awesome to see him.

It means the world to me that Teri and Nile will be at the MCM to cheer me on. The amount of sacrifice a family goes through, so a family member can run a full marathon is amazing. Thank you for making the sacrifice! For all of the other runners out there, I thank your families...and remember to thank them yourself. When you cross the finish line, it's just as much about them too. It is a total team effort. You just happen to be the one physically doing it:)

It may be simple things like hiding water bottles, talking about strategy, lending a supportive ear and definitely the time sacrifice.

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Friday, September 12, 2014


Oh yeah, you guessed it. Tomorrow is a BIG day. We have Iowa vs. Iowa State, true. Before that though, I will be testing myself on an 18 mile long run.

I am so thankful for the Nike Plus app to remind me of this:) Whoa!

Tomorrow is going to be a BIG test, but I am ready. I am ready physically and even more so mentally. I have my Tailwind packed, clothes out, Spotify playlists built. All I have to do, is get some winks....get up and RUN!

Then it is off to Iowa City for the HAWKS! GO HAWKS!
PS....43 days!

 Nike Plus- thanks for the polite reminder.

Getting closer to the marathon PR. Woo hoo. I am preparing to be the best Jim Connely Marathoner I can be! 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Rivalry week- Get Ready!

Rivalry week- Get Ready!

Oh yeah, it's finally here. Rivalry week. Iowa vs. Iowa State. I am so excited that I can barely stand it. During my workout this morning, it rained a bit. I felt great getting back on track with a longer run.

During rivalry week, everything picks up. The business calls get more intense, meetings zip at a fierce pace, the workouts get intense, and even games of hide and seek have much more vigor.

All of this builds toward bringing the "A" game on Saturday.

I will leave you with a quick thought. GO HAWKS!

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Tuesday, September 9, 2014
It's a virtue!

It's a virtue!

Yes you guessed it. Patience is a virtue. Today, I am learning that lesson. This morning I had to postpone my run because of dangerous weather. I was going to run tonight, but mother nature had a different idea.

I had to weigh the safety concerns. It's been tough, I would rather get the run in!

No worries- I will get back on schedule:) It will make the rest of the week a bit different and possibly more difficult. I will look at this as a positive.

Sounds like the overall plan to train for a marathon involves being patient. It's the number one thing it teaches you. WOO HOO!

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Sunday, September 7, 2014
First survive and then thrive!

First survive and then thrive!

This phrase comes to mind for training and yesterday's installment of Iowa football. First, survive and then thrive!

Throughout training, it seems like an effort to survive. At some point, you turn the corner and thrive. Thriving could be finishing or setting a PR. Whatever your goal is, you have to keep your eye on it and get there. You will know when your time will come. When it does, capitalize!

Yesterday, Jake Duzey caught the game winning pass. It was a game of mere survival until that point, Iowa pulled ahead of the game and Jake Duzey caught the game winner. The play came with under 2 minutes to play. It illustrates so many things about patience, concentration and belief. Sounds like running a marathon...so many highs, lows, and patience will deliver you to the finish.

Have fun with training this week!

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Thursday, September 4, 2014
Reflections from my latest race!

Reflections from my latest race!

On Monday, I ran the benefit classic here in Dubuque, IA. Holy smokes it was a difficult run. I ran hard. After the race, I started to get a bit sore. I haven't felt like that in a long time. As the week progressed, I feel great. On Saturday, I run 16 miles before the Iowa game. I am STOKED. Mentally, I am really getting ready. Physically, I am working on my strategy and approach.

I really appreciate the many words of support. Special thanks to Mia Burbach who took some cool photos of me during the race.

The Marine Corps Marathon  is 51 days away, but I am not counting. Seriously, I am not counting. :) WOO HOO

Wednesday, September 3, 2014
When I thought of you!

When I thought of you!

During the Big 10K race in Chicago, I ran past this sign and thought of all of you. Yes, it prompted me to take a quick picture:)

You are beautiful to me. You always have been and will always be. Smile and enjoy your day/night or morning.

Monday, September 1, 2014
Dress rehearsal!

Dress rehearsal!

I was so excited for my "dress rehearsal" today. This references the benefit classic half marathon in Dubuque, IA. I have run the race before, but this course was amazingly difficult. The conditions were hot and humid. I ran a solid race. I learned a few things today, here is a summary:

1. For the marine corps marathon, I will download my spotify list for "offline". Today, I experienced some issues with connectivity.
2. I need to purchase a handheld that is larger (20 ounces). I used the tailwind nutrition today and it worked out great (@gotailwind).
3. Take aleve before running. Today, I waited until I got home and was a little sore.
4. Smiling while running really works, I need to do it all of the time.
5. I ran hard today. My core worked great in the stretch and my quads burned it up. The cross training really helped conquer the hills.
6. Appreciate the run. Today, I saw some truly "gutsy" performances. Each of the runners towards the end of the pack really battled the course. You guys define the term finish!
7. The volunteers are amazing! Thank you all for the support, water and kind words! You all ROCK!

Image Source:

Sunday, August 31, 2014
How you see yourself matters the most!

How you see yourself matters the most!

How you see yourself matters the most! It directs your thoughts and actions. The other day, someone asked me if I was a runner.

I hesitated before answering. I said yes, I am a runner. I caught myself in the "not so confident moment". I have run and finished three full marathons, completed numerous races and have run for the past nine years. Why did I hesitate? I quickly reflected on the fact that so many people have said "you can't be a runner, runners are skinny" or "you are too big to be a runner".

Guess what? What they say doesn't matter. What I see, feel and say matters the most. I will never hesitate on the question ever again!

I have a small challenge for you. Take a picture of yourself with a big smile. Look at it, post it on your favorite social media piece with a tag that says something positive like "I am happy" or "thanks for being my friend" or "I love you". Whether people like it on the platform doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that you smiled big for the camera and posted something positive for the world to see. By the way, the camera loves you!

Monday, August 25, 2014
Running Behind?

Running Behind?

As many of you know, I have a goal in mind for the marine corps marathon. My goal is a PR. Today, I was thinking about my last couple of weeks of running. They have been solid from a mileage stand point. However, I need to continue my focus on getting faster. 

The past two weeks I have "slid" a bit on my overall pace per mile. It's not something to panic about-yet. I have time to re-calibrate and figure out my plan of attack. The marathon is a long haul with many ups-downs and trips sideways. I am a three time finisher and can attest to the perils of training and the race. Tomorrow, I will re-focus my energies on smiling more during my runs and a slightly elevated pace. The hard work is now. This week I am excited as it is "dress rehearsal week". This means a little less mileage and a half marathon at the end of the week! YES! It's time to test the plan.

Image Source:

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