A quick tip that may help
This week I was talking to a friend who coaches strength training and runners. She asked me how much water I drank on a daily basis. She was good with that. Then she asked me how much I drink on my runs. I told her that I drink consistently during training runs that are longer.She asked me how much I run on a daily basis. The answer 4 miles. She said I should drink water or a sports drink every 15 minutes, if you are running over 30 minutes at a time.
I can honestly say I haven't considered it. She stated a solid case for doing so. Perhaps this will be a big change for me in 2015. Also, it may help my hydration issues in the big race.
It gets me thinking of which marathon I should run next year. hmmmmmm
Yes! I am going to run a full marathon again in 2015. I just have to break my time goal. :)
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