The Power of a Compliment!
Lately, I have been working hard to eat better and cross train. I love the results! What I love the most, is the way it makes me feel. In the past week, I have heard a few really nice compliments.
To all of you, it just flat out makes my day and motivates me beyond word. It got me thinking again. Compliments really matter. In our fast paced world, it is easy to forget to give them.
Here is my challenge to you. Tomorrow, compliment two people if you can. Stop and deliberately give them the good stuff. Tell them they look handsome or pretty, have a nice smile or anything that is genuine.
Watch as they receive the news. You will get a nice reward! By the way, I want to thank each of you reading my BLOG. It makes me smile to think you enjoy it.
Next week I will feature a series that will focus on the power of one person. It will highlight how one person can truly make a difference. My list of people is going to delight you. If you have someone you want to recommend, please email me at and I will feature them.
Have a nice night!
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