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Wednesday, December 31, 2014
2014 was a great year!

2014 was a great year!

This past year was a great one! I learned a ton about myself and how I can grow in 2015. In running, I really worked harder than ever. I ran a ton of miles and took some chances in a big race. The race didn't yield a PR, but it was a great finish.

During the marine corps marathon, I watched my son run in a kids 1 mile race. I learned so much from him. He dug deep, finished and had fun. He gave me advice the evening before my marathon. He said "Dad...just keep running and cross the finish line. Everybody gets a medal, when they finish".


This year, I learned how to cross train and lost some weight. The journey was difficult and rewarding. I am looking forward to continuing my cross training. It's amazing what your body can do, when pushed.

In 2015, I will have some different and similar running goals. In the next week, I can't wait to share them with you. For reading my blog, I want to thank you. You mean the world to me and it's been fun to share my thoughts about the journey.

I hope you have a great night and an even better 2015!!!!

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014
My running moment of the year

My running moment of the year

My running moment of the year was my son Nile, starting and finishing his big race at the Marine Corps Marathon. He ran with his running buddy, displayed a ton of courage, he smiled a ton and showed me how to finish. He never left his running buddy behind. He ran back to get him a couple of times. It was awesome!

Without a doubt, it was my running moment of the year!

I can't wait to see him run more! See this picture of him looking at his medal:) WOO HOO!

Sunday, December 21, 2014
A moment of thanks

A moment of thanks

Today, my family attended a wonderful event at Hills and Dales. If you are not familiar, Hills & Dales, a not-for-profit human services organization. They provide services to children and young adults with severe and profound mental and physical disabilities throughout Eastern Iowa.  

I would like to personally thank my wife Teri Connely, Vicki Leonard and all of the folks who work in law enforcement, public safety and the fire department. Law enforcement, public safety and the fire department protect and serve us. You are a group of people who deserve so much and sometimes get so little. Today, I watched you at your best- thank you. 

Teri and Vicki run the local chili cook-off every year in Dubuque. It's hard work and it takes a lot out of you. On a day like today, it means so much. People may not know what you do or how you do it. As you watch the children and families smile, know that you gave them something amazing. The chili cook-off has raised so much money to help organizations like the Maria House and recently Hills and Dales. 

The money raised is significant. It has translated into buying a van for transportation and a new playground. We can't thank you enough. 

To the families and children at Hills & Dales, thank you for opening your hearts to show us what true love really is. I admire what you do and how you do it. 

To the staff at Hills and Dales, you amaze us. I love watching you work. It's not work because you love it and it shows. I wish that I could repay you for the awesomeness you display. Maybe someday I can better:) 

This Christmas season there is so much to be thankful for. Check out the pictures from today (at the bottom I have four tips for getting into the spirit):
The awesome Joe Berger and the rest of Santa's bagpipers!
 This little guy was SOOOO excited to see Mr. and Mrs. Claus! 
 He had to tell everyone about how awesome it was to see them! 
 The BEST escort! 
Christmas at Hills and Dales is AMAZING! The LOVE is pure! Thanks Vicki and Teri!

Here are four ways you can get in spirit: 

1. If you run, 

  • Try connecting with Who I run for (https://www.facebook.com/groups/irunformichael)
  • Download charity miles on iTunes or Android. It's a great way to raise money by running. There are fantastic charities featured there like the Wounded Warrior Project (@wwpinc), Michael J Fox Foundation (@MichaelJFoxOrg), Special Olympics (@SpecialOlympics), Autism Speaks (@austismspeaks), (@TeamRWB), etc.  
2. Donate some presents to Toys for Tots, adopt a family at a local church, etc. 
3. Write a Christmas card to a lonely person at a elderly center or even a friend you haven't connected with in awhile. It's amazing how a small thing like this can be HUGE. 
4. Gather yourself, friends or little ones and go out Christmas caroling. Spread the cheer the old fashioned way. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014
A quick tip that may help

A quick tip that may help

This week I was talking to a friend who coaches strength training and runners. She asked me how much water I drank on a daily basis. She was good with that. Then she asked me how much I drink on my runs. I told her that I drink consistently during training runs that are longer.

She asked me how much I run on a daily basis. The answer 4 miles. She said I should drink water or a sports drink every 15 minutes, if you are running over 30 minutes at a time.

I can honestly say I haven't considered it. She stated a solid case for doing so. Perhaps this will be a big change for me in 2015. Also, it may help my hydration issues in the big race.

It gets me thinking of which marathon I should run next year. hmmmmmm

Yes! I am going to run a full marathon again in 2015. I just have to break my time goal. :)

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Sunday, December 14, 2014


Aha! I love doing that...Smile at someone who is frowning or having a tough day. If they muster a reluctant smile (likely), then tell them you love their smile and it will get bigger.

You will give them your smile in the process.

Try it, it's fun.

Oh yeah, it's great to smile while you are running too. :)

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Saturday, December 13, 2014
So much to be thankful for!

So much to be thankful for!

It's the Christmas season and I have so much to be thankful for! Health, family, career, friends, blogging friends/followers, running and faith. WOW!

I can remember six to seven years ago, I would run and pray. Each day I would ask for a child, and he gave it to us. I am so thankful for my son. He shows me how to love every day!

Enjoy this pic:)

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Monday, December 8, 2014
I LOVE Mondays!

I LOVE Mondays!

I LOVE Mondays! Today, I didn't run and that was not fun. However, I did complete some cross training:)

I enjoy Mondays because I am grateful for every day. It's surprising to me how many people roam around grumbling that it is "Monday". I always respond with "be glad you have a Monday".

Enjoy every day, that's what I believe.


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Monday, December 1, 2014
Be true

Be true

In the past couple of weeks, I have talked to some friends about their running, records and times. One aspect that resonated with me is how people feel pressure to be "fast". I must admit, I have fallen into that trap before. It can be relatively healthy, if you can manage it.

On the flip side, it can dominate your thoughts. It can make you feel bad too, if you can't keep improve. In the end, I believe you should be true to yourself. It can make running fun.

Be original, stay true to yourself. :)

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